Trust Portal

apree health (“apree”) refers to the national healthcare delivery organization consisting of the following companies: i) Vera Whole Health, Inc., including its affiliates and subsidiaries, and the Vera-friendly PCs (collectively, “Vera”); and ii) Castlight Health, Inc., including its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “Castlight”).

At apree, we are committed to being a trusted leader in our Members healthcare journeys, and that’s why we strongly value data protection and privacy. As one result of the many actions we take to ensure your trust, we’ve created this APREE HEALTH TRUST PORTAL(“Trust Portal”) to reflect our organizational, technical and security corporate policies that we have in place to protect and inform on the privacy, integrity and security of our Customer’s data and the personal information of their employees.

To learn more about our corporate policies, please review any of the relevant policies at your convenience.

Member-Facing Policies (for Engaged & Eligible Member populations)

General Website Notices